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This paper discusses how the mechanism of the fear of cross-dressing functions, mainly focus on that against physical male crossdressers. The paper explains the motivation and the desire of cross-dressing with Lacan’s theories, and attributes the abjection from the heterosexual values to the main source of fear of cross-dressing. In addition, the confusion of homosexuals and cross-dressing may increases the disgust. Last, the paper introduces the anti-femininity among male homosexuals and gives an explanation.I'm a dish description. I'm a great place to say how delicious I am so your customers will want to order me. Double click me to change me and add your own content. To customize me and change my font click on the Design tab in the property panel.

People denote things into a state of two complementary parts and create values and images through this classification. For examples, the conflict of the god and the devil in Manichaeism build the idea of the good and the evil, and, the mind and the physics...

In the film, there are five gay male main characters. The development of the relationship between Prior and Louis is the main thread...

One may wonder why Orland exposed the operations to the public. In usual plastic surgeries, only the original face and the one after surgeries matter...

The two short stories, The Man Who Shouted Teresa and The Tell-tale Heart, are quite different in their topics and meanings. The ways in which they are written are also distinguishable; nevertheless, there are some similarities in the two stories, such as the first person point view and the atmospheres filled with uncertainty. Furthermore, they both have many interesting ironies. This paper is to give a comparison, either similarity or difference, between the two stories with respect to narrative distance, atmosphere and irony.

Here I want to talk about the theme of The Story of an Hour. If we begin with the topic, it indicates the whole plot happens in one hour, which is a really short period of time...

In Hills like White Elephants, indirect presentation of characterization is used.  For the most part, it simply tells the dialogue between the couple. There is no the opinion of the author or closer observation to the character’s mind or action...

Despite the absurdity of the story, the plot is developed coherently and logically, however, with many unusual or unexpected details...

Unlike other common poems, Carpe Diem poems disregard the traditional responsibility of poetry to serve as a moral support. The poems read like love poems, but they mainly talk about erotic persuasion...

Some may say that the ideas in The Prince, wrote by Machiavelli Niccolo, are just some common sense of politics, but we must understand that they have become common sense because people are imitating his thoughts already.Add Description here

After reading this article, I found there is a difference between what people suppose philosophers think and what philosophy truly is. To use a more an appropriate word which is introduced by Plato, philosophers are actually trying to “understand” the real world...

We may regard this book as an interesting story collection rather than a literary novel. In the book, stories, including funny ones and profound ones, are told over one night after another...

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